Blind spots. What are the 5 key steps that should be followed in assessing the risks in driving? Identifying hazards when driving - Department of Transport and Main Roads The U.S. Department of Transportation shows since 2008 there has been a steady increase in the number of fatal truck collisions in the U.S. (page 18). Get your battery load-tested. Driving in extremely hot weather can put your health at risk and damage your vehicle. Many parked cars on our left. Car is trying to enter on our left. In bad weather, Solomon says to increase it to seven or even 12 seconds to avoid debris and snow hitting your windshield. You can attract attention by securing a brightly colored piece of cloth to the outside of the car. Do not shift into neutral. Looking through the corner. Pedestrians on the footpath on the right. Look for people. Grime on headlights can make them up to 50 percent less effective and you will need them in tip-top condition when driving through heavy rain. Get ready for the permit test with This blog discusses 15 common road hazards and the best ways to prevent them. Vehicle turning across our path entering a driveway. Car turning left in front. Solomon cautions to watch out for passing traffic, as other drivers might have trouble spotting you. They might take it as a sign to hang back. That's especially sound advice for a good part of the country, as the winter season means more driving perils, including poor visibility, snowbanks, and ice. Workman at the back of a vehicle. HIABs) to load or unload vehicles can be hazardous.Working at heightThis can be an issue when working on a loading bay or perhaps the trailer or tail-lift of a vehicle. Its not uncommon for the mat to get bunched up behind the brake pedal, making it hard to move. He/she will need to regularly check that the lights, indicators, windscreen wipers and washers, tyres and brakes are all in good working order. Every risk you face during wet and rainy weather can be diminished by reducing your speed; this should be the first action you take. Unsecured Loads. Vehicle Movement Hazards and Control Measures - Occupational Health and Be aware of hazardous conditions and always drive defensively. The driverFactors to consider in relation to thedriver of the vehicle, such as their competence and/or experience of the type of drivingAll drivers, however, should know the basics, such as: the correct adjustment of seats, headrests and seatbelts for comfort and safety; how to check tyre pressures, lights, indicators, windscreen washer levels; how to use ABS (anti-lock braking systems) if fitted; the safest way to distribute and secure any load they may be carrying; and the height of the vehicle (goods vehicles).The vehicleSuitabilityThis means making sure that the vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used, which raises questions such as: What are the safety standards for the particular vehicle(s) in respect of driving andpublic health and safety? Is the vehicle suitable for the job in hand? How well does the vehicle measure up to the ergonomic needs of drivers? Should vehicles be hired or leased and what impact will this have on how maintenance will be undertaken? Is it better to allow employees to use their private vehicles on company businessCondition of vehiclesEmployers will have toensure that adequate maintenance arrangements exist and that repairs or service are carried out to an acceptable standard and that manufacturersrecommendations are observed in respect of safetycritical features. Looking through the corner. You may still encounter crashes irrespective of how careful you are, as you cannot rely on other drivers to make safe decisions all the time. Drivers Ed Flashcards | Quizlet It also increases the chance of losing control of the vehicle. Of course, the number-one rule of defensive driving is to avoid unnecessary danger. What to Do: First, dont assume your brake lights are still working. Many parked vehicles. Looking through the corner. car drivers, goods vehicle, passenger or patient transport); specific competencies associated with each driver category (e.g. defensive driving courses, off-road driving for forestry workers. What to do in the event of vehicle breakdown, bad weather conditions and/or any other delays that might occur. Prohibition of the use of handheld mobile phones if driving Frequency that breaks from driving should be taken, e.g.15 minutes in every two hours or every 100 miles The factors influencing the choice of vehicle and, if appropriate, the drivers input to that choice, e.g. In general, steering away from a potential crash is a faster and more effective option than coming to a complete stop. It is essential to reduce your speed and drive within the reach of your headlights, otherwise you will not have time to react to hazards as they enter your field of vision. Scan well ahead, look amongst the parked cars. Managements responsibility to assess the risks from driving and to put in place thesystems to manage that risk. Ensuring that vehicles are properly maintained, including the drivers responsibilities to ensure vehicle roadworthiness if being used on the companys behalf. ; Actually HAVE brakes at the end of the hill! Do not start a journey if the fog is so thick that the way ahead is completely obscured a few feet in front of your vehicle. After a heavy snowfall, you might return to your car to find the wheels surrounded by snow. I-15 between Las Vegas, NV and Salt Lake City, NV The posted speed limit is 70 mph, which may be too fast. Once youre in neutral, take your emergency braketypically a lever with a button on the side consoleand begin pumping it up and down. Pedestrian crossing. You must learn how to identify and compensate for these hazards, to protect yourself and other road users from harm. Road on the left. A well-rounded and comprehensive fleet safety program can help with driver training, changing unsafe driving habits, and improving driver retention. Both front and rear-wheel traction loss can be corrected by looking and steering in the direction you wish the vehicle to go. Pedestrian walking down the road on our left. Check the vehicle temperature gauge regularly and pull over if there is a chance your engine may overheat. Vehicles passing that may cross the centre line. Checking the intersections. If the tires sidewall blows out, the car will probably move in the opposite direction of the break. If you see a deer up ahead, take your foot off the gas to slow your speed, then flash your lights. Skills-based training, which will provide them with the basic understanding and skills that are necessary to operate a forklift truck in a safe manner.2. Checking on the footpath. Car waiting to pull out in front. What systems should be in place for managing work related road safety? Parked cars at the bottom. Water on the roads surface can seriously impede your vehicle control, while the rain itself impacts visibility. Coming downhill. If youre in a skid, you may have to keep your foot on the accelerator a little bit to force the wheel to move forward.. 2. You are most likely to be exposed to high winds or strong gusts of wind during a storm, or when traveling through exposed areas such as bridges, culverts and mountain passes. Coming up a hill, our vision becomes obscured. Many parked cars, looking through the corner. Up- or down-hill driving? Left lane appears to be ending. You should avoid overheating the engine by not using the air conditioner and driving more slowly. Motive builds technology to improve the safety, productivity, and profitability of businesses that power the physical economy. This section summarizes those must-know highway driving techniques and safety practices. This vital conclusion to our highway driving section reiterates the safe highway driving practices you must adhere to, discusses the importance of planning for your trip and teaches you how to handle an emergency on the highway. Braking in front. Identifying hazards when driving - Department of Transport and Main Roads The faster you are traveling, the greater the likelihood that hydroplaning will occur, as speed creates lift and reduces your cars grip on the surface of the road. Lots of pedestrians, lots of vehicle movements. Helps prevent roll-back when starting up again from a stopped position on an incline. Vehicle may be turning opposite directions in front of us. What to Do: Its important to determine whether the truck driver is aware of your existence before you attempt to pass. Car approaching. This would take into account factors such as weather and perhaps the possibility that indoor floors might become wet and slippery (e.g. Back roads can often be nestled directly in the path of deer, animals that have no understanding of passing traffic and can appear out of nowhere. Driving too Fast. Bus shelter on the left. Watching for pedestrians up on the footpath on the left. Understanding how this occurs will help you regain traction in an emergency. What are the 3 risk categories associated from driving at work? Cars approaching. If visibility gets too bad, pull over to the side of the road and wait for conditions to improve. During winter months in colder states, some roads will be impassable without snow chains. Getting behind the wheel without proper training can result in accidents, injuries, and workplace catastrophes. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. with a lift truck load fully raised); collisions with other vehicles and/or fixed objects or structures; and/or. Wherepossible, one-way systems and/or turning circles should be incorporated into the design of vehicle routes to minimise the need for reversing. Lighting should also be adequate, and efforts should be made to minimise the number of blind corners, concealed entrances or other potential areas where poor visibility for vehicle drivers or pedestrians could create a risk. How To Drive Down Steep Hills Without Using Your Brakes! Solomon also keeps a baseball cap in his car so he can use the bill to block the sun without obstructing his view. It could be a: As drivers gain experience they develop skills in scanning the road ahead and around them, and they become better at recognising that a potentially dangerous situation is developing. In the worst case scenario, vehicles can roll over due to load shift as the vehicle can become unbalanced and overturn. Preventive Measures: As you are about to enter a decline, reduce your speed below your feature's activation threshold. There are additional rules, safety tips and considerations which all drivers must keep in mind when using limited access highways. 13. The same holds true for buses. When you see those signs, it wasnt because the state or county had some extra money and thought theyd go put them up, Solomon says. No vehicles passing us on the left. If it sounds like there might be inclement weather the next day, Solomon tells Mental Floss, set your alarm an hour early. Checking the intersection blocked on our left. A fleet safety solution that gets results. Once the wheels are on the mat, try turning to get away from the snow. Drivers are most at risk of sun glare in the mornings and late afternoons, when the sun sits low in the sky. This data can also be used as an incentive for drivers to continue to improve their driving records and aid others who need improvement. This can be caused by uneven floors, sudden turns, or overloading the forklifts beyond their capacity. Computer-based hazard perception tests are used in a number of countries as part of the driver licensing processes, and hence evaluating the validity of such tests is crucial. Choosing not to drive in rain, snow or fog, at night or during any other hazardous conditions is always the smartest decision. Fueling. Following workmans utility up the hill. You will be the first one to receive the latest updates and announcements.. Be aware of your downhill speed. Dont. Looking on the footpaths, scanning between the cars. 3. In foggy conditions, you may not be able to see pedestrians, other vehicles, road signs, road markings or obstacles. While skidding is often caused by rain, mud, snow or ice, it can also happen when you turn, change lanes, brake or accelerate suddenly, as this can throw weight from one part of the vehicle to another. Fifty kilometres an hour suburban street. Shift to reverse and repeat this step traveling backward. Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes that are particularly elevated among teenage drivers include: One way road. Very busy area. one hazard associated with driving downhill is: Car waiting to turn right. You want to deprive the car of forward motion, Solomon says. Watch for bicyclists near the right edge of the road. Vehicle approaching. Road markings change here. Courses available for all skill levels. Commercial fleets save up to 13% on fuel costs, study shows. Pedestrian crossing. Looking up the hill. Approaching vehicles. Instead, ease off the gas pedal until you can feel your tires regain connection with the road. Flashing light up ahead on the right. Feeling the rush of wind that accompanies a passing 18-wheeler can give you a healthy respect for these road behemoths. Going over the crest of the hill. But if the air went out that quick, the tire is gone., Instead of trying to salvage the tire, focus on getting off the road. Low to zero-visibility, freezing temperatures and extremely slippery roads make blizzards the worst weather conditions for driving, by far. Copyright 2023 ePermitTest. Step 2: Decide who might be harmed. One hazard associated with driving downhill is: A. Just dont engage them: Theres nothing youre going to do to stop them from tailgating you. Braking in front of another driver B.) If you ask us, we would rather take the uphill part of the drive because going downhill is harder. This feature keeps helps keep your vehicle at a pre-determined safe speed when traveling downhill or on very uneven terrain. He shares some of his best tips for driving safely: Chad posted a poll on his Facebook group, Rate Per Mile Masters, asking his followers (mostly owner-operators) about the best ways to prevent collisions when cornering or going downhill. Even if you manage to avoid hitting one, a yearling could be nearby, ready to do serious damage in a collision. one and a half times. US 278 GA/6 West of Atlanta This route is heavily traveled, has some downgrades, and sharp turns. Following the car downhill. Using this data can help safety managers coach drivers so they can better handle difficult terrain like steep mountains and hairpin turns. Snow, ice, fog and heavy rain are all likely to significantly affect journey times but are also direct contributory factors in many vehicle incidents. Read your owners manual.) Limit driving to daytime hours if necessary; Fatigue. Be mindful of slick roads and reduce your speed when the roadway is wet. If not, its time to brake: Swerving off the road at highway speeds is risky and can cause serious injury to the driver and passengers. Use the following tips to help you: If necessary, clear space around your tires. ergonomic considerations, mileages that will be covered. Dont pump the pedal: The ABS can pulsate the brakes faster than your foot can. A wax stripper found at automotive stores can erase that residue, clearing your windshield and allowing your wipes to make better contact with the glass. Vision's obscured. May step back in front. Pedestrians on the side. Improper Maintenance. He has taught driving courses for 47 years. You may need to lay something under the tires to increase traction. It makes for fine gothic horror movies and 80s music videos, but fog is otherwise a hazard. We'd love to hear from you! Go 5 mph slower than the posted limit. Car pulling out in front of us, yes it does. The brakes likely failed on the truck because they got too hot. Reduce your speed to allow more time to react, should you need to evade an approaching hazard. Scanning ahead, car changing lanes in front of us. 2023 National Safety Council Was the crash caused by the brakes burning out? This includes foggy or rainy conditions in which visibility is decreased and can result in poor decision making leading to accidents. Pedestrian crossing ahead of us. Slightly damp roads can pose more of a hazard, as the water may loosen oil and chemicals which have become ingrained in the asphalt. You dont want an animal that large smashing through your windshield. If you need to brake suddenly, the car is likely to collide with yours. Multilane carriageway. Slowing, watching for oncoming traffic. Make sure your car is prepared for the conditions in which you are traveling, by purchasing a good-quality set of all-terrain tires or snow tires. Use a low gear to help slow your vehicle down. This may make it run off the road. Further training as necessary in the actual workplace. Hazardous Driving Conditions: Road Rules for Handling Adverse Weather If youre stuck, make sure you have enough room to move the car forward and backward and that there isnt any snow blocking the exhaust pipe. Know what gear you need to be in before going downhill. Clear the snow away from the wheels and try moving forward or in reverse. Stick to low-beam headlights in built-up areas and when you are in close proximity to other drivers. Drive as cautiously in patchy fog as you would in consistently thick fog, as you could enter a denser stretch of fog at any point and lose visibility altogether. Get access to free and research-validated resources for safety leaders who are ready to build an AI-driven safety program. When you need to decide on a slowdown in case of potential accident, you basically need to annihilate momentum, and when you are going up, gravity contributes to the total work needed to slow down. Pedestrian on our left. Vehicles changing lanes up ahead. When driving on a grade that exceeds 10%, loaded trucks must drive with the load facing upward, regardless of whether a truck is traveling up or down a ramp. Some versions of hill descent assist will activate your brake lights when it activates; if yours doesnt, make sure to continue lightly holding the brake to ensure drivers behind you know you may be gradually slowing. Wet weather always makes driving more hazardous. If this happens, the car could roll-over and fill up before you have a chance to react. When driving on mountain roads, your most important considerations are: Vehicle condition: your brakes, steering, suspension, and cooling systems must be in good condition. (Some cars have an electronic brake that only requires a button push. Freeing your car from deep mud or snow takes patience. Youll have enough time to get up, clean your car off, and drive slowly.. Boblett says the key to fleet safety is to pay attention and be proactive when driving. My Blog one hazard associated with driving downhill is: . Vehicles often build up speed moving down a steep hill. Vision is obscured there. ), This newly legislated training is designed to decrease the number of truck-related collisions by increasing and standardizing the training new drivers receive. It may be a legal requirement to use them in certain situations. Also, you should be able to maintain a safe speed on winding mountain roads. Glare can be worsened by moisture and dirt accumulation on both sides of your windshield, so be sure to clean the outside and inside regularly. You need to consider how likely it is that each hazard will cause harm Step 4: Record your Driving Hazards | Teen Driver Source This allows you to focus more on scanning the downhill path for potential hazards.