Here are fifteen of the worst dictators from the 20 th century and what makes them stand out for censure. [139], Most dictatorships hold elections to maintain legitimacy and stability, but these elections are typically uncompetitive and the opposition is not permitted to win. Given the degree of censorship and control China's government leverages over its citizens, most political experts would call it a dictatorship. The leader may be supported by a party or military, but still retains the overwhelming majority of power, especially regarding whom to place in which governmental roles, and relies heavily upon their own charisma to maintain control. The premise of the "people's democratic dictatorship" is that the Chinese Party of China and the state represent and act on behalf of the people, but possess and may use powers against reactionary forces. Adolf Hitler: 14 most cruel dictators Benito Mussolini: 14 most cruel dictators Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924): 14 most cruel dictators Joseph Stalin: 14 most cruel dictators Mao Zedong or Mao or Mao Tse Tung: 14 most cruel dictators Muammar Gaddafi: 14 most cruel dictators Idi Amin (1920-2003): 14 most cruel dictators List of monarchs of fictional countries - Wikipedia The totalitarian dictatorship of Adolf Hitler in Germany , from 1933 to 1945. Through the ages, Algeria, officially People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, is a country in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast. [145] Opposition parties in dictatorships may be restricted by preventing them from campaigning, banning more popular opposition parties, preventing opposition members from forming a party, or requiring that candidates be a member of the ruling party. Mussolini abolished democracy in Italy in 1922 and became a dictator. [27] One-party rule also developed in several countries in Africa during decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s, some of which produced authoritarian regimes. [54], Asia saw several military dictatorships during the post-classical era. Dictatorship Countries 2023 - [124], The type of economy in a dictatorship can affect how it functions. 8. [5] This is particularly true when the inner circle is made up of military officers that have the resources to carry out a military coup. [148], Terrorism is less common in dictatorships. This list details eight of the world's current dictators and the poverty rates associated with each country. Monarchies: 3. Over the course of almost 20 years, he ruled Chile with an iron fist, ordering the deaths of thousands of suspected . Therefore, the entire country operates on the whims of that one person. This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:19. 12 Examples of Fascism in History (2023) - Helpful Professor Dictatorships frequently hold elections in order to establish their legitimacy or provide incentives to members of the ruling party, but these elections are not competitive for the opposition. Personalist dictators may be members of the military or leaders of a political party, but neither the military nor the party exercises power independently from the dictator. Abstract. Perhaps someday some of these modern dictatorships will cast off their dictators and embrace a more democratic and inclusive form of government. Italy's Mussolini. [54][55] The concept of "dictator" was first developed during the Roman Republic. The name a democracy gives itself or its office does not indicate what type of democracy it is. in Turkey, Kamal Pasha, established his dictatorship in 1921 and he remained in power till his death in 1938. Modern dictatorships first developed in the 19th century, which included Bonapartism in Europe and caudillos in Latin America. When the war ended, these countries were incorporated into the Soviet sphere of influence, and the Soviet Union exercised control over their governments. 2. Dominant-party dictatorships or electoral authoritarian dictatorships are one-party dictatorships in which opposition parties are nominally legal but cannot meaningfully influence government. [8]:455 Some countries (such as Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Israel) require that the vote of no confidence also specify who is going to replace the sitting government to minimize the time without an interim government, essentially replacing one government with another. In some cases, nations may have multiple ruling bodies or government types, meaning they're not exclusively countries that are governed by dictatorships. [64][65][66], Dictatorship developed as a major form of government in the 19th century, though the concept was not universally seen pejoratively at the time, with both a tyrannical concept and a quasi-constitutional concept of dictatorship understood to exist. There are currently 22 dictators in Africa, some worse than others. Democracy-Dictatorship (DD), index of democracy and dictatorship or simply the DD index or the DD datasets was the binary measure of democracy and dictatorship first proposed by Adam Przeworski et al. * Venezuela - Nicolas Maduro * Mauritania - Mohamed Ould Abdulaziz * Algeria - Abdelaziz Bouteflika * Tunisia - Beji Caid Essebesi * Chad - Idriss Deby * Sudan - Omar al-Bashir * Cameroon - Paul Biy. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. Donal Blaine Aidan Cinhil Haldane, 24th king of Gwynedd, reigned 1074 to 1095. This may be ensured through incentives, such as distribution of financial resources or promises of security, or it may be through repression, in which failing to support the regime is punished. Many others developed following a period of warlordism. However, many people in long-running dictatorships such as North Korea and Cameroon have never experienced anything else, so living in a dictatorship is much less jarring and shocking to them. The authors acknowledged that the last rule is more complicated to implement, but stated that it helps researchers to control potential errors and removes subjective judgement from the classification. United Arab Emirates 2.69/10. They are often unstable, and the average duration of a military dictatorship is only five years, but they are often followed by additional military coups and military dictatorships. [115], The Middle East and Northern Africa did not undergo liberalization during the third wave of democratisation, and most countries in this region remain dictatorships in the 21st century. Cuba - Dictatorship 5. [75] Lenin was followed by Joseph Stalin in 1924, who consolidated total power and implemented totalitarian rule by 1929. In practice, it is often defined as people choosing their leaders in free and fair elections. [72] The societal upheaval caused by World War I and the unstable peace it produced further contributed to instability that benefited extremist movements and rallied support for their causes. Below are the world's most authoritarian regimes: 21. Dictatorships suffer from an obvious and significant imbalance of power. There's no room for opposition or . China's constitution calls its government a "people's democratic dictatorship." 15 worst dictators of 20th century and their horrific massacres Elections also support the legitimacy of a dictatorship by presenting the image of a democracy, establishing plausible deniability of its status as a dictatorship for both the populace and foreign governments. Organizations that maintain moral authority with the public, such as the Church, are often the most targeted by infiltration. W; Alphabetical list of countries; Alphabetical list of countries. [144] Since the end of the Cold War, more dictatorships have established "semi-competitive" elections in which opposition is allowed to participate in elections but is not allowed to win, with approximately two-thirds of dictatorships permitting opposition candidates in 2018. [126]This tactic involves policies on land reform, poverty alleviation, public health, housing, education, and employment programs that force citizens to be dependent on the state for relatively adequate living standards. [137] In the 21st century, dictatorships have moved toward greater integration with the global community and increasingly attempt to present themselves as democratic. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 12:26. The first distinction made is whether a country has a government has legislative responsibility, i.e. [71] The aftermath of World War I resulted in a major shift in European politics, establishing new governments, facilitating internal change in older governments, and redrawing the boundaries between countries, allowing opportunities for these movements to seize power. [93] Chiang Kai-shek continued to rule as dictator of the National government's rump state in Taiwan until his death in 1975. Military dictatorship | Military Wiki | Fandom The country is bordered in the northeast by Tunisia, in the east by Libya, in the west by Morocco, in the southwest by Western Sahara, Mauritania, and Mali, in the southeast by Niger, and in the north by the Mediterranean Sea. They may be military officers, party members, or friends and family of the dictator. A semi-presidential (mixed) democracy has a government that needs the majority of support from a legislature to exist and whose head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term. During the first half of the 20th century, dictatorships took control of a number of technologically advanced countries. Communist dictatorships in the region aligned with China following the latter's establishment as a communist state. List of dictatorship countries? - Answers [46], The shift in the power relation between the dictator and their inner circle has severe consequences for the behavior of such regimes as a whole. Other factors associated with military coups include extensive natural resources, limited use of the military internationally, and use of the military as an oppressive force domestically. Obiang's regime is known for state-sanctioned kidnappings, torture of prisoners, and unlawful killings. Here is a list of the ten worst dictators that Africans have ever seen in their history. To enact policy, a dictator must either appease the regime's elites or attempt to replace them. The DD index first classifies the regimes into two types: democracies and dictatorships. [25], One-party dictatorships are governments in which a single political party dominates politics. These movements supported pan-Arab Nasserism during most of the Cold War, but they were largely replaced by Islamic nationalism by the 1980s. The government was described as a dictatorship of the proletariat in which power was exercised by soviets. Between the 1990s and the 2000s, most dictators moved away from being "larger-than-life figures" that controlled the populace through terror and isolated themselves from the global community. Single-party dictatorships were most common during the Cold War, with dominant-party dictatorships becoming more common after the fall of the Soviet Union. The table below offers a full list of which countries are what type of democracy. These movements were a response to what they perceived as decadence and societal decay due to the changing social norms and race relations brought about by liberalism. Many personalist regimes will install open ballots to protect their regimes and implement heavy security measures and censorship for those whose personal preferences do not align with the values of the leader. The legislature must be popularly elected. The Democracy-Dictatorship Index is seen as an example of the minimalist approach, whereas the Polity data series is more substantive. [82], Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party created a second fascist dictatorship in Germany in 1933,[83] obtaining absolute power through a combination of electoral victory, violence, and emergency powers. [88] European fascism was imported to Latin America as well, and the Vargas Era of Brazil was heavily influenced by the corporatism practiced in fascist Italy. [59] Shoguns were de facto military dictators in Japan beginning in 1185 and continuing for over six hundred years. These nationalist movements supported non-alignment, keeping most Middle Eastern dictatorships out of the American and Soviet spheres of influence. [62][63][64] Maximilien Robespierre has been similarly described as a dictator while he controlled the National Convention in France and carried out the Reign of Terror in 1793 and 1794. Terrible things have been done in the name of socialism and here are some of the most rigorous dictators. But for today, these are the world's dictatorships. Photo: Lars Klove. Freedom House, the Polity data series, and the Democracy-Dictatorship Index are three of the most used data series by political scientists. While Thailand remains the world's last active military dictatorship, other notable examples of modern countries with histories of military rule include: Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Greece. Since 1945 Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East have been common areas for all military dictatorships. For dictatorships, monarchic, military and civilian dictatorship. [97], The Middle East was decolonized during the Cold War, and many nationalist movements gained strength post-independence. They are more likely to end in violence and less likely to democratize than other forms of dictatorship. Organized opposition is a threat to the stability of a dictatorship, as it seeks to undermine public support for the dictator and calls for regime change. Based on a "minimalist" theory of democracy, the index relies on rules regarding the existence of competitive elections. It is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and China in the far northeast. Parties that take power through violence are often able to implement larger changes in a shorter period of time. List of 19 Main Pros and Cons of Dictatorships - ConnectUS Dictatorship Countries List? - The Divine Writer [28] Due to the structure of their leadership, one-party dictatorships are significantly less likely to face civil conflict, insurgency, or terrorism than other forms of dictatorship. [126] Some of the most ruthless examples of repression in recent history were repression by hunger. He responded by ordering the confiscation of food, impossible farming yield quotas, banning private farming for substenance, and introducing internal passports and residency permits, which prevented villagers from seeking food elsewhere. Political control is any tactic through which the state seeks to gain compliance from society. The chief executive must be chosen by popular election or by a body that was itself popularly elected. [8]:455 Sometimes sitting governments will attach a vote of no confidence clause to a piece of legislation they want passed, effectively tying the survival of the government on the piece of legislation. In military dictatorships, it is the military that exerts complete or substantial control over the government rather than a political clique. In some cases, nations may have multiple ruling bodies or government types, meaning they're not exclusively countries that are governed by dictatorships. [142] Dictatorships may influence the results of an election through electoral fraud, intimidation or bribing of candidates and voters, use of state resources such as media control, manipulation of electoral laws, restricting who may run as a candidate, or disenfranchising demographics that may oppose the dictatorship. [4] A unified inner circle has the capacity to overthrow a dictator, and the dictator must make greater concessions to the inner circle to stay in power. List Of Communist Countries Today - WorldAtlas What is a Dictatorship? Examples and Characteristics - [133] A dictator may negotiate the end of a regime if it has lost legitimacy or if a violent removal seems likely. [134] Revolution takes place when the opposition group grows large enough that elites in the regime cannot suppress it or choose not to. Poverty alleviation in these 10 dictatorship countries is in some cases associated with human rights abuses, violent crackdowns on the political opposition and indigenous people. Key dictators from 20th century Latin America Multiple political parties may exist, but one dominates the government, makes all the rules, is free to disseminate propaganda, and controls every aspect of every election (which may offer voters only a single candidate), thereby ensuring they win every time. Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi C Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Cte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Miguel Daz-Canel, the son of Ral Castro who replaced him as president of Cuba, has kept the dictatorship structure in place that was established by Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution. [108], Dictatorship in Europe largely ended after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the liberalization of most communist states. The chief executive can take many names including chancellor, prime minister, or premier and the heads of the executive departments can bear different names and be called different things. [145] Dictatorships may hold semi-competitive elections to qualify for foreign aid, to demonstrate a dictator's control over the government, or to incentivize the party to expand its information-gathering capacity, particularly at the local level. [8]:454 The government composes the chief executive and the heads of the executive departments. Uganda - 1971 to 1979 - Idi Amin Dada. [1]:68 The figures at the left show the results in 1988 and 2008. For example, DD could classify a country which has a legislative assembly whose official name is "the parliament" but still classify it in any of the three categories. [8]:456, The second distinction made is whether the head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term. The Deadliest Dictator Regimes In History - WorldAtlas Most of them are characterized by a single leader with either no party or one that is weak. 1. In oligarchies, the threat of a military coup comes from the strength of the military weighed against the concessions made to the military. The classification depends on the rules outlining the relationship between a country's government, legislative assembly (often called the legislature), and head of state. The expected result is to coerce citizens into complying with the dictatorships demands in order to benefit from the state-controlled resources. More complex economies require additional cooperation between the dictator and other groups. What are the countries with a democracy government? (Dictator of Italy and Principal Founder of Fascism Who Was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943.) whether a majority vote in the legislature can remove the sitting government without cause. US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World's Dictatorships Therefore, it is impossible to know if the regime is a democracy or a dictatorship, so DD Index considers them dictatorships until an alternation in power occurs. Brion Donal Cinhil Urien Haldane, 25th king of Gwynedd, reigned 1095 to 1120. In the 19th century, settlers slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in. Democracy is broadly understood to mean 'rule by the people'. Military dictatorships are controlled by military officers, one-party dictatorships are controlled by the leadership of a political party, and personalist dictatorships are controlled by a single individual. 14 most cruel dictators who almost destroyed Humankind - World-Wire They are in civil war, but the dictator is. A Roman dictator was a special magistrate that was temporarily appointed by the consul during times of crisis and granted total executive authority. From the outside looking in, life within a dictatorship appears akin to being in a toxic relationship or living situation. [130] One-party dictatorships are generally more stable and last longer than military or personalist dictatorships. They differ from other forms of dictatorships in that the dictator has greater access to key political positions and the government's treasury, and they are more commonly subject to the discretion of the dictator. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the military often has more cohesion and institutional structure than most of the civilian institutions of society. In fact, most dictators adopt common appellations such as "President" or "Prime Minister", so they must be identified via their actions and policies rather than their title. In addition to executive authority, Putin also holds judicial and legislative power, which enables him to change the law to fit his agenda. This violence is frequently exercised through institutions such as military or police forces. [132] Foreign intervention takes place when another country seeks to topple a regime by invading the country or supporting the opposition. The Freedom in the World report evaluates the state of freedom in 195 countries and 14 territories, assigning a score between 0 and 4 in a series of 25 indicators to give a final score of 100. If you think that today's world is all about democracy, human rights, and freedoms, you live in a total illusion and you should definitely read our list of 15 countries with dictatorships today. The terms "autocrat" and "autocracy" are often used interchangeably with "dictator" and "dictatorship". The dictator of Italy from 1925 to 1945, Benito Mussolini founded the Fascist Party in 1919. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa. His economic plans have been praised by leaders like Kemal Pasha. A dictatorship is a form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, which holds governmental powers with few to no limitations on them. List Of Dictatorship Countries? - The Divine Writer [89] Military coups were also a common occurrence after decolonisation, with 14 African countries experiencing at least three successful military coups between 1959 and 2001. Van den Bosch, Jeroen J. J., Personalist Rule in Africa and Other World Regions, (London-New York: Routledge, 2021): 13-16, wave of left-wing revolutionary movements, List of countries by system of government, "Review: Totalitarianism, Social Science, and the Margins", "Generals, Dictators, and Kings: Authoritarian Regimes and Civil Conflict, 19732004", "Elites, Single Parties and Political Decision-making in Fascist-era Dictatorships", "Theories of dictatorships: sub-types and explanations", "Personalization of Power and Repression in Dictatorships", "The Tyranny of Dictatorship: When the Greek Tyrant Met the Roman Dictator", "The Five Ancient Criteria of Democracy: The Apotheosis of Equality", "When was the title Dictator perpetuus given to Caesar? Countries that start with: 15 Countries with Dictatorships Today (Or on Their Way to Dictatorships If the head of state serves for life or is not popularly elected or a fixed term, then the democracy is parliamentary.[1]. Under this system, there are three types of dictatorships. Skyline of Downtown Dubai with Burj Khalifa from a Helicopter. Olessia Kirtchik, Mariana Heredia, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. [8]:465 Some countries, such as Greece and Bulgaria, stipulate who the head of state chooses as head of government. Dictatorships arise through violence or non-violent means, but they almost always result in the loss of liberties, corruption, and human rights abuses. This type of vote is termed a constructive vote of no confidence. Francois Duvalier (1907 - 1971) The Haitian dictator, also known as Papa Doc, governed the Americas' poorest country from 1957 to he died in 1971. Examples might include King Cyrus the Great of Persia, who is thought to have created the first declaration of human rights, the Biblical King Solomon, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, and Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yue. [98], One of the tasks in political science is to measure and classify regimes as either democracies or dictatorship (authoritarian) countries. - Quora Answer (1 of 66): I will give the country names as well as who the dictator is. [57] The rule of a dictator was not necessarily considered tyrannical in Ancient Rome, though it has been described in some accounts as a "temporary tyranny" or an "elective tyranny". In the former, for example, the President must appoint as Prime Minister the leader of the largest party in parliament, who has three days to gain the confidence of a majority thereof. 10 African countries That are currently ruled by dictators. A dictatorship is an authoritarian structure of government. Among the 10 dictatorship countries profiled, poverty is endemic. List of Famous Dictators - Ranker - Lists About Everything Voted On By At the onset of the so-called "third wave" of democracy in 1978, the only democratic regimes were Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela. [56] At least 85 such dictators were chosen over the course of the Roman Republic, the last of which was chosen to wage the Second Punic War. Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the legally, directly-elected President of the Philippines and leading member of the PDP-Laban party. Infamous dictators of the world are often thought of as tyrants - leaders who rule with iron fists, cruelty, unflinching authority, and a lack of opposition. The Democracy-Dictatorship Index has the main regime types of "democracy" and "dictatorship" and three sub-types for each as well. Perhaps someday some of these modern dictatorships will cast off their dictators and embrace a more democratic and inclusive form of government.