3 Investments with 100% Return – Even Under Lockdown
November 26, 2020

While in quarantine or lockdown, our perspectives, and the actions we take during this period, will either make or break us. Adopting the attitude that opportunity exists in every adversity will help you to come out of this crisis better than you were before the crisis. Some are spending their time away from work in front of the television or following every social media post forwarded about the virus. But not you. You will focus on making 3 investments with 100% return while you are under lockdown.

Phrases or words such as lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing are the buzz words in the current world climate. Naturally, there is a lot of anxiety, uncertainty, concern, and fear surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people have been forced into a different way of living as the need to practice social distancing interrupts normal human activities such as going to work, school, and shopping.

  1. Invest in yourself.

This involves intentionally attending to the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and professional aspects of your life, so that you can make positive initiatives in each area. How you feel has a large bearing on how you perform in any aspect of your life. Being mentally and physically fit will not only boost your energy so that you can do more, but it will also give you clarity of thought. Learn new skills or enhance your existing skills and capabilities. Keep abreast of the crisis via reliable sources like the WHO and the CDC and feed your mind with positive information that is uplifting, inspiring, educational, and helpful. You want to come out feeling rejuvenated, energized, and productive. Invest your time, treasure and talent in those things that help you to grow and make a positive impact on yourself and others — things that add value to life

  1. Invest in your family.

Spend quality time with the family members you are with in lockdown. Taking daily walks with the family for at least 30 minutes along a path that is not busy will not only help with exercise and fresh air for everyone, but it will provide an opportunity to bond with each other. Be mindful to stay at a safe distance from people you pass along your walking trail. Board games, gardening, or playing with the ball are examples of other activities you can do as a family. This will not only relieve boredom, bring you closer, and improve your work life balance, but also increase your productivity.

  1. Invest in your community.

Social distancing does not mean social disengagement or relational distancing. Being alone does not need to equate to being lonely. Make it a point to check up on your neighbors, friends, and others– especially those living alone or the elderly. Everybody needs somebody and you can be the person that uplifts others, bringing them hope and help. If you have a special skill or information that would be helpful to others—share it. Use this opportunity to “be your brother’s keeper” spreading a message of hope, not fear. “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act” (Proverbs 3:27 NIV).

If you make these 3 investments, you will come out of the lockdown and crisis feeling better about yourself and your relationships, more productive and impactful than before, and ready to use your new skills to get ahead. We know that, “this too shall pass.”

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