JCL does not have BUILD/OUTREC statements. Although you may invoke it via JCL, it is NOT JCL. How to get the unload result in Packed decimal format if the table column is in INTEGER formmat in the DB2 table? Output file for SORT JCL - Assume the current date is - 4-Apr-2012. You can read my previous installment if you miss it. . If you use PGM=SORT, for example, that's a utility. vijay XXX 24000 decimal digits with leading zeros. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,80,SQZ=(..,PREBLANK=C'(),..)) Blanks out the (). You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. SORT FIELDS=(1,3,ZD,A) - Once the above two tasks done, the file will sorted and the same writes to output after sorting. Hence, 10 records are written to output. The DATE1 operand corresponds to a Cyyyymmdd constant for todays date. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,40,8,ZD,EDIT=(SII,III,IIT),SIGNS=(,-))converts the 8 digit ZD to M12(SII,III,IIT) and displays sign only for negative values. Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 2 We will explore few more common uses of OUTREC with examples below 1 . Relation between transaction data and transaction id. They are identical. FINDREP indicates doing a find and replace operation. SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. This sort card will insert spaces in the first 20 bytes, then the fields 1 to 5 from the input file are moved to 21 thru 25, 26 thru 36 will have blanks and then input file fields from position 6 to 10 is moved to output file positions 37 to 41. value by not specifying WIDTH(n). OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) BUILD gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted OUTREC records and the order in which they appear. From the context, this is OUTREC on OUTFIL. OUTREC syntax - IF in SORT, FINDREP, OVERLAY - mainframegurukul.com Is it possible to create a concave light? Example: Experienced software developer. Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. Since hexadecimal representation occupies two digits for each character, here we will need output file with record length of 20. // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), FIELDS specifies an ascending 1-byte character control field at position 81 (the identifier byte added by INREC), and an ascending 5-byte character control field starting at position 8 (the key for the detail records). is the protected brand of Scrum.org. Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY, is used here to indicate that all records should be copied from input file to output file. OUTFIL 01, moved to make it easier to follow, gets all the records which are not selected on another OUTFIL (by using SAVE). OUTREC FIELDS=(..,5X,..) adds 5 spaces from 63rd position. . JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Table 2. INREC OVERLAY operation is used in order to rewrite data in input file before copying to output. The below is what I think you are trying to do. instead. OUTREC is processed after SORT/MERGE and SUM (if present) otherwise after INREC. Example MON will be replaced by MONDAY. Your client may not be so happy at the end of the year to find that they've paid for reading and "counting" 7.3m records just so that you can set an RC. // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=30,BLKSIZE=0), To perform lookup of input data and if it matches then replace it with some other data. WIDTH can only be specified Now its working fine. This statement supports a wide variety of parsing, editing, and reformatting tasks. Let us assume input file has following data and structure INPUT FILE value, you can let ICETOOL determine and set the appropriate LRECL Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 1 Example: FINDREP: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. IFTHEN=(WHEN=(30,5,CH,EQ,Csmall),OVERLAY=(45:C***)) overlays the marks of the student with *** who are belong to small. Note that if all of the fields in your records have fixed positions and lengths, you don't need to use PARSE. BUILD or FIELDS: Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. Example: OUTREC BUILD= (1,20,C'ABC',26:5C'*', 15,3,PD,EDIT= (TTT.TT),21,30,80:X) OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay . OUTREC in SORT Using OUREC in SORT JCL OUTREC adds, deletes, or reformats fields after the records are sorted or merged. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(..,PREBLANK=C'(),..),..) blank out the (). The count is written as d Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY is used here to indicate that all records will be copied from input file to output file. What is the purpose of non-series Shimano components? Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, AC Op-amp integrator with DC Gain Control in LTspice. john THURSDAY 28000 If clause 5 is not satisfied, its overlay item is not applied and processing continues. BUILD parameter is an alias of the FIELDS parameter. It confuses people trying to give you an answer. If WIDTH(n) is not specified, LRECL is set to the calculated required All IFTHEN parameters have been processed. JOHN THU 28000 example, if DIGITS(5) results in overflow, you can use DIGITS(6) INREC WHEN=GROUP can be used with BEGIN to identify a header record starting a group and END to identify a trailer record ending a group. OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDDAYS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/),..) adds +2 days to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 55th position. // UNIT=TEST,SPACE=(CYL,(50,10),RLSE) OUTFIL 03 gets all the not 0000s which are not 'Y'. Using SORT DATE Functions you can dynamically insert the date, like yyyy-mm-dd or any format instead of a constant date like 2021-01-01. It will be helpful in case where days of week coded as MON, TUE, WED which needs to be replaced to MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Requirement: To replace three char days of week to its fullest form, ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5 BUILD exists on INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL, separately and as part of an IFTHEN. COBOL: How to Write INPUT and OUTPUT Procedures, The Complete List of COBOL Special Registers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Second step which uses INCLUDE/OMIT with the symbol in comparison to the second record-count, using NULLOUT or NULLOFL. Each day we want only the records for that day to be copied into the output file. Display Filter View Print Options Help, WER268A SORT STATEMENT : SYNTAX ERROR, ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************. . In addition I want only part of the record in the output file given by the below 3 BUILD's. akshay TUESDAY 10000 Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? ICETOOL always calculates the record TOT calculates the number of records in the input file. The second IFTHEN WHEN=(logexp) clause identifies and operates on trailer records (TRL in positions 1-3); OVERLAY puts todays date in the form ddd/yyyy in positions 11-18, adds a 9 in position 81, adds a ZD sequence number in positions 82-83 and does not affect the rest of the record. 1,6,ZD means "the information, at this moment, at start-position one for a length of six, which is a zoned-decimal format". VIJAY SUN 30000, //SORTSTEP EXEC PGM=SORT In the input file, the content in position 1,6 is overwritten to the position 47,6 and then copied to the output file. v If WIDTH(n) is specified and the calculated record length is greater The sequence number will be 1 for the first header record, 2 for the second header record and 3 for the third header record. Selected records will be copied to the output file. If clause 4 is not satisfied, its build items are not applied and processing continues. Take the counts from something which is already reading the data, and then you have something really simple, and efficient. 1,6,ZD,DIV,+2 means "take the six-digit number starting at position one, and divide it by two, giving a 'result', which will be placed at the next available position (16 in your case). WHEN=NONE clauses are processed after any of the other IFTHEN clauses. In the above example, employee number is in the field position 1,15. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,39,..)copies first 39 bytes from input file to output as it is. you can have a common BUILD for all the includes I guess. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. There is a separate OUTREC statement. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,45,3,ZD,MUL,+10) data starts from 45th byte of length 3 will be multiplied by +10 and stores it in the same record as a continuation. //SORTIN DD DSN=DEPT.EMPL.DATA.OUTPUT1,DISP=SHR than or equal to n, ICETOOL sets the record length and LRECL to n. Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. SMITH 25000 00003 OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(SHIFT=LEFT,..),..) Justifies the data in the first 29 bytes to left. So far, the number in the first six positions will be divided by two, treated (by the mask) as an unsigned zoned-decimal of six digits, starting from position 16. If the data is going into that column automatically (which it is), then using the columns only creates work, introduces a new possibility of error, and makes the Sort Control Cards more difficult to maintain. Next . Let me know if that resolves the issue. One way, if on-the-dot accuracy is not required, is to talk to the technical staff who manage your storage. In the join keys recently I used, in my work, Inrec, Outrec and Overlay in a sort card. IBMMainframes.com is not an official and/or affiliated with IBM. . By using INREC, OUTREC, and OUTFIL statements to insert the current date or past date, or future date in a variety of formats and time in a variety of formats into your records. In addition to this it will replace 3 letter day-of-week name at position 11 in input file with its full name at position 11. To insert 5 blanks, write 5X between the two fields. // UNIT=TEST,SPACE=(CYL,(50,10),RLSE) . For date values in the form Cyyyy/mm/dd, you could use the DATE1(/) constant; For date values in the form Cyyyy-mm, you could use the DATE2(-) constant; For date values in the form Pyyyyddd, you could use the DATE3P constant; For date values in the form Zyymmdd (2-digit year date), you could use the YDATE1 constant. You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. On the Mainframe, the client pays for resources. The first IFTHEN WHEN=(logexp) clause identifies and operates on header records (HDR in positions 1-3); OVERLAY puts todays date in the form ddd/yyyy in positions 6-13, adds a 0 in position 81, adds a ZD sequence number in positions 82-83 and does not affect the rest of the record. If the records are fixed-length, spaces would be appended to the end of the record to replace the deleted characters. For yyyymm + 3 months, you could use DATE2+3; For Pyyyyddd 150 days, you could use DATE3P-150; For Zmmddyy + 7 days, you could use YDATE1+7. But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. There. Based on the 6th position of the file, the BUILD of output file varies. Letsinsert the below data types between the fields in the output file. You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. How can I use it? OUTREC FIELDS=(..,45,30) copies the input file data from 45th byte of length 30 as it is to output starts at 45th byte. Did you read the documentation of COUNT (No, is the answer, so do so)? Example: INREC BUILD= (1,20,C'ABC',26:5C'*', 15,3,PD,EDIT= (TTT.TT),21,30,80:X) OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. 3. 88888JOHN PURCHASING 08000 Both the DATE1(c) and DATE=(4MDc) operands correspond to a Cyyyycmmcdd constant for todays date where c is any separator character you like except blank. INREC:Specifies how records are reformatted before they are sorted, copied, or merged. Example 1: Formating a file (USING INREC) //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=COPY INREC FIELDS= (7:2,5,20:10,3) /* Explanation: SORT FIELDS=COPY It is for copy records to output file INREC FIELDS= (7:2,5,20:10,3) - Here we have two formattings, 7:2,5 - data at 2nd position of input file with length 5 copied to 7th position of output file (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). REMOVECC removes the ANSI carriage control characters and ensures that the RECFM is FB rather than FBA. So either of the following pairs of control statements will sort your records on input positions 1-6 and reformat them with todays date in the form Cyyyy-mm-dd in output positions 1-10, and input positions 1-6 in output positions 11-16. Do you have an example of the input and expected output? I will go through your answer, Multiplication division using DFSORT utility in Mainframe, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. What is the purpose of non-series Shimano components? . 15: is "column 15" (position 15) on the record. I don't know what "Code" tags are. If the records are variable-length, the RDW of the record would be reduced to indicate the new length after the shorter literals are substituted. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Formatting output file after an INCLUDE condition in JCL IFTHEN statements allow you to reformat different records in different ways by specifying how build or overlay items are to be applied to records that meet given criteria. //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* OUTREC OVERLAY=(..,85:45,3,ZD,MUL,+10,TO=ZD,LENGTH=4) the data from 45th byte multiplies with 10 and writes the result to output of the length 4 from 85th position. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, How to change the properties of a ps or an pds, Passing symbol value using DFSORT to file, mainframe - generate a report with sum of particular fields. However while writing to output file, two spaces will be added between fields at position 1-5 and 6-10. The following is an example of the IFTHEN parameter: PMP, PMBOK, PMI-ACP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Professional Scrum Master, PSM, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO etc. The day-to-day application requirements in a corporate world that can be achieved using Utility Programs are illustrated below: 1. You can create the reformatted INREC records in one of the following ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields. Write unique records to output. On INREC and OUTREC, FIELDS also has the "overloading" for the same reason (the backwards thing). CHANGE=(10 indicates that replacing string will occupy 10 letter positions. //SYSIN DD * OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. OUTREC is processed after SORT/MERGE and SUM (if present) otherwise after INREC. Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) is coded to specify that field at position (6 to 30 i.e. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Unnecessary fields are eliminated from the output records using INREC or OUTREC. BUILD parameter can be used on INREC and OUTREC statements in SORT card. Use one or more WHEN=(logexp) clauses to apply build or overlay items to your input records that meet specified criteria. INREC FIELDS=(1,20,X,25,6,X,) - Reformat the input file of length 1 to 30 bytes(1 to 20 bytes plus 25 to 6 bytes). JOHN 28000 00004, SORT FIELDS=COPY OUTREC FIELDS=(..,6,73)copies the input file data from 6th byte to the output file from 8th byte onwards as it is. If you want to replace or remove data anywhere in records, the FINDREP parameter of the OUTREC statement needs to use instead. You can prevent the overflow DIGITS can only be specified if OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,TOJUL=Y4T)- data from 55th byte of length 8 will be converted to Y4T Julian date format. OUTREC OVERLAY=(..,45:45,3,ZD,MUL,+10,TO=ZD,LENGTH=4) the data from 45th byte multiplies with 10 and writes the result to output of the length 4 from 45th position. We can even add spaces/zeroes/any character into the output record based on the requirement. In the following example an INREC statement will be used to abbreviate each instance of NEW JERSEY and NEW YORK in a record when position 24 of the record contains a X01. SMITH WED 25000 OUTREC FIELDS=(1,20,25,6,) - Here we have two formattings. As you coded later, SFF should work depending on your release of Syncsort. Read this book to get more exposure. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. 20 bytes). Read the answer please. You can use nZ to specify n binary zeros. Exactly what else depends on your actual task, which we don't know, we only know of the solution you have chosen for your task. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,30,4,CHANGE=(11,Cmath,Cmathematics),..) The math text starting from 30th byte of length 4 in the input file should replace with mathematics of length 11 while writing it to output file. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=*